World of Knives
+41 32 322 97 55

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World of knives tools

I World of knives tools comprende un'assortimento piccolo d'attrezzi eletti di vari utensili da cucina. I World of knives tools – tutti i prodotti di alta gamma per il taglio, l'affilatura e la grigliatura – completano in modo ottimale i marchi di coltelli esistenti.

Wok Santoku
World of knives tools, Wok Santoku
Super Stone 1000
World of knives tools, Super Stone 1000
Super Stone 10000
World of knives tools, Super Stone 10000
Messertasche Wok Classic
World of knives tools, Messertasche Wok Classic
Wok Grillmesser
World of knives tools, Wok Grillmesser
Super Stone 5000
World of knives tools, Super Stone 5000
Wok Officemesser
World of knives tools, Wok Officemesser
World of knives tools, Pflegeset
World of knives tools, Frühstücksbrett
Wok Schinkenmesser
World of knives tools, Wok Schinkenmesser
Pizzamesser Set
World of knives tools, Pizzamesser Set
Schneidebrett L
World of knives tools, Schneidebrett L
Buttermesser verzahnt
World of knives tools, Buttermesser verzahnt
Wok Ausbeinmesser Classic
World of knives tools, Wok Ausbeinmesser Classic
Schneidebrett XL
World of knives tools, Schneidebrett XL

16 di 54 prodotti mostrati